Thursday, June 14, 2012

7th week update and some mysterious manly symptoms!

The seventh week has finally arrived. I was able to go to Chicago to see Nathan after a couple of weeks of him working in Chicago. We had a good time for the 4 days that I have been here. He is taking on the daddy role nicely and taking very good care of me. Lucky for him I have not had any midnight cravings. Tomorrow I head back to NC and get back to life. I will see Nathan again in one month:( I will keep everyone posted on the latest and greatest:):)  


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First ultrasound 5 weeks


I had my first ultrasound this morning. I am only 5 weeks pregnant so we were not able to see much of anything at this point. The doctor did see the yolk sac. The yolk sac is a nutrition source for the little fetus. The placenta and umbilical cord have not formed yet for the fetus to get nutrition from me yet. At this point the doctor only saw one little blessing. We are so happy too see what we could. One scary thing that the doctor did tell me was that I am not out of the danger zone yet. I am still in the miscarriage range, up to 50% that I might have a miscarriage. I am siding on the side of faith in the Lord that he will allow our little one to survive. I have my next ultrasound appointment on Thursday, June 14. I will be 6weeks and 2 days, I should be able to see the heartbeat by then. Once we see the heartbeat my chances of miscarriage is down to 5%. I thank the Lord everyday that I stay pregnant. Please continue to pray for our little one. We will keep everyone updated :):)