Monday, January 2, 2012

IVF injections have officially begun!!

     I'm glad to say that Aunt Flow, for once brought us some goodness. We can now start our process of ultrasounds and meds. New Years day we made our first trip to NCCRM at 7AM to start the ultrasounds and blood work. The ultrasound was checking to make sure the lining of uterus was "thin" and that there were no large eggs in my ovaries. I passed that test with flying colors, my lining was a 3mm. Larger than 8mm would be bad. Now onto the blood work, they checked my Estradiol levels. Again, I passed with flying colors, my level was 38.5. More than 250 would be bad. We were in the clear to start the injections.                    
      We were given a schedule for the meds to start. Last night was our first night of injections. We started off with Menopure, 75mg, SC. And yes, I was right it was subcutaneous the whole time. Thank goodness I almost had a larger needle stuck into my muscle rather than the fat part of my arm. I didn't work on getting chubby for nothing, hehe! That shot sucked, it hurt!!!!!!! But thank goodness I only have to do 9 more. The other injections was the Follistim, 300 iu, that one was not bad. Follistim,  that is the med dosage that might change due to the number of eggs I am producing. We will know with the next ultrasound that I have scheduled for Wednesday. I have to give my hubby props, after watching the video, he did give me the shot "straight". He did good and was very supportive and gentle. I'm very happy to be in this journey with him!
      What's next???? Ultrasound on Wednesday with blood work and more injections. I will take a picture of the ultrasound and the eggs. I am expecting to have a few that are starting to grow, but we will see. Fingers and toes crossed!!!!!


  1. You are so cute!!! I pray that this works out for you guys!!!!!!

  2. Girl yall got this! Praying for yall! If anyone deserves this it is you 2!!!!
