Sunday, May 13, 2012

I am TRIGGERED!!!!!!!!



Here in the Czech things move fast. It seems that we are in and out of our appointments very quickly. We were only there for about 10 min today. The doctor was very pleased with the size of my follicles and lining of my uterus. The follicles are about 17-18mm and lining is 9mm. These are perfect sizes. The doctor was very postive and kept saying , " this is good, very good". Since our scans went so well we are scheduled for retreival for Tuesday at 8 am. We are very excited!! Nathan gave me my trigger shot tonight. The trigger shot is a medication called HCG which will allow the follicles to finish growing and get ready to be retreived. We had to do the shot at 9 pm tonight and retreival will be in 36 hours. We can not miss our retreival because my body will release those eggs soon if we do not beat them to the punch. That is where we are at now, waiting and staying positive till Tuesday.

We had an uneventful day, well wait I take that back. Our day started off after our appointment. We found out that the hotel that we were staying in did not have any vacancies for tonight. We were on the move again with all of our luggage that is clearly over packed and over weight, ( well according to the airlines). I still think I had more room. We had to tell the front desk that we had to take quick showers just so we could use the wifi before we were booted to the streets with no other destination. We found a cute little hotel that had great pictures of a safari themed hotel and had excellent prices. This was the first red flag that we missed, safari themed with great prices. We called a cab who took us to the other side of town, and dropped us and our bags at the doors of the hotel and sped off. At this point I still had a smile on my face. It wasn't until the aroma of musty old thai food and weird creatures on the walls did I start thinking of a way to get out of that situation. Nathan, oh my sweet husband, appeared to be tring to stay positive. I think we was hoping that this safari that we walked into somehow had white linen sheets with a giant jacuzzi tub and the smell of roses in our room, but no he was wrong. GHETTO!!!!! All the way. My only saving grace was that there was no wifi in the room, nathan can not live without his wifi which meant we were out of there. After packing nathan and all the laugage into the 3x3 elevator I had to take the stairs because there was no room in the elevator. I tried to get out of the corridor which lead to the reception area but I could not. There was no door handle but a metal piece sticking out of the door. After walking around and looking for something to jimmy the door open with I found the handle on the floor behind a chair. I had to Mcguiver the handle back on and I was off to the races and running down the stairs to get to Nathan. We found another hotel after using the wifi in the lobby and then called a cab. Unfortunatly this cab driver did not speak a lick of English. Google maps showed him where to take us. I thought we were in the clear until he dropped us off and the first words out of his mouth was "OHHHHH GYPSIES!!!!!" Nathan and I looked at each other and said, screw it, we were tired, hungry and wanted to just chill. Fortunatly, this hotel is very nice and we are pleased with our stay so far. For dinner tonight we decided to venture back out into gypsy land to find a certain underground restaurant that I had heard of. Nathan was certain he knew how to get there, so I was a good wife and did not ask any questions. Let's just say that we got off the bus 3 times and got back on the bus 3 times before we ended up about 10 min away from our hotel to finally arrive at our destination. Dinner was good and we had the whole restaurant to our selves. We are striving for a duller day tomorrow, but probably not. Ciao:)





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