Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Retrieval day!!


Hey everyone this is Nathan. So the retreival went very well this morning. As you know we were originally told that there were 5 developing follicles, but apparently this wasn't entirely accurate. After the retreival the doctor told us he retrieved 6 eggs and they are all mature. This is great news!! Now we just have to wait until tomorrow at around 1 pm to find out how many of them were successfully fertilized. As always we got a little video before and after. I was a little worried about Rachel right after the procedure because the first 2 words out of her mouth were "pain" and "sick", but I was quickly put a little at ease because the 3rd word she spoke after recovering from anesthesia was "videotape". I forgot to mention also that the doctor said it was very likely that the transfer day would be Sunday, which would be a 5 day transfer. This is also nice because it gives us a nice little chunk of time to do a little more lite traveling, as long as Rachel is up for it. We are thinking about taking a day trip to Vienna and maybe venture over into Germany as well. Who knows!! Thanks for your love and support.


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