Sunday, May 13, 2012

A tale of our adventures and lessons learned!


Well we thought that we were going to have a slow day but I was wrong. We ended up going to Old Town Square as planned. We made it to the clock along with 100s of other people to watch the clock's hourly show. It was cute and creepy at the same time. We were able to catch some video of it, make sure you look close at the skeleton man. While we waited for the show, Nathan and I decided to take a horse drawn carriage ride through the city of Prague. It was really neat and romantic, I loved it! While we were walking back to Charles Bridge I was stopped by a man that had some sicissors and paper in his hands. I hate to admit this but I thought he was going to pick pocket us and take all our money and souvenirs. He started to cut out a profile of my face, he did a great job. The day seemed to be perfect until I was taught a very important lesson.

Our last day in Prague, no wait up to the last hour in Prague we got in trouble with the authorities. Let me tell you a little true story that I am still kicking myself for now. The Czech public transportation is based on the honor system. They do not have to show or punch there tickets when getting on the trams or busses. The people are honest about buying their tickets and not riding for free. We were on the subway and walking to our last connected train when we were stopped by the transportation authorities. They wanted to see our tickets. Now that is not the problem, we had bought our tickets the day before for 24 hours. The problem was that we were 2 hours past our 24 our mark. I knew that we were past the time but thought we could fit one more ride in. Of course we get caught being dishonest in a country who uses the honor system. I was hoping for a slap on the hand but no he wanted to see our passports and told us to follow him. Oh crap!!!!!!!!!! I immediately thought of the show " locked up abroad ". I started to pray as if I was going to get locked up in some rat infested hole in the ground with other dishonest people, but ones who do things much worse than ride free on a subway. He lead us to a sign that of course was written in Czech, but with his broken English he explained to us that there was a fine. 1000Kc but since we did not live there we got a discount. 800Kc was the discount which was about $40 a person. I was happy to pay the $80 for Nathan and I and not be locked up or never see our families again. I will admit this also, I should have listened to Nathan. He was telling me all day that we needed to get new tickets. I'm proud to know that I have an honest man with great integrity. I hate the fact that I was dishonest. God taught me a lesson today to be honest. No matter the situation I want to always do the right thing, even if it is for a 2 min subway ride. I will have to do better from now on.





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